Poker Power App. Your poker learning companion.

Poker Power poker chips

  Suppose you’ve heard about the benefits of poker, such as enhancing confidence, decision-making ability, and strategic mindset, but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you attended a Poker Power event and want to learn more and connect with others on a similar journey. We built the Poker Power app with you in […]

Home Game Guide: The Secrets to Hosting a Successful Poker Night

Poker Power purple poker chips

We’ve all been there. It’s 10 o’clock the night before Book Club and you’re scrambling to read your book knowing full well you’ll only spend five minutes discussing before moving on to gossip about Karen’s brother-in-law. Want a less stressful and more empowering way to spend time with your friends? Start playing poker.  Below is […]

How To Play Texas Hold ’em For Beginners

Women playing poker with Poker Power chips and cards

Now that we’re all singing about Texas Hold ‘Em (thanks, Beyonce), it’s time to learn how to play the game (woo!). Let’s start out by noting that Poker Night is the new Book Club Night. More and more women are learning to play poker and for good reason. Poker is a vehicle for life lessons […]

Hedge Your Bets

Originally posted on When Jenny Just, co-founder of PEAK6 Investments, a multi-billion- dollar options trading and technology firm, first heard her business partner and husband, Matt Hulsizer, mention the game of poker, it had nothing to do with their professional endeavors. He wanted their teenage daughter, Juliette Hulsizer, to learn how to play as […]

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

The world has witnessed remarkable progress in terms of gender equality and empowering women in various spheres of life, but a critical issue remains: the lack of representation of executive women across industries. Despite concerted efforts to bridge the gender gap in leadership positions, many talented and ambitious women still find it challenging to break […]

Erin Lydon “Women belong in every seat and at every table”

Originally posted on “Poker Power is a community led by women for women with the primary goal of utilizing the game of poker to build confidence, challenge the status quo, learn strategy and assess risk. By empowering women with these skills, we can change the future for generations of women. No money transacts. No gambling.” […]

The Importance of Learning Poker Early

For most young women, high school can be the most crucial time for learning and self-development. Transformative and influential, what we learn during these four years can impact how we approach and navigate the rest of our lives. Learning poker has the potential to greatly empower high school girls, fostering their confidence and self-esteem. By […]

Adjusting to a hybrid work schedule? Playing poker could help.

According to a report by Deloitte titled “Women @ Work 2023: A Global Outlook,” women have unique experiences in a hybrid work environment that can impact their career advancement opportunities. As more companies adopt hybrid models, women may be more likely to face challenges such as feeling excluded from decision-making or dealing with work-life balance […]

How Poker Skills Can Influence Your Career

Erin Lydon

In this fascinating episode of Building Success. Loving Life. , women’s life coach, Karen Gombault interviews Poker Power’s President, Erin Lydon. Together, these life-long friends discuss the importance of learning how to think, strategize, negotiate and allocate capital, like a winning poker player, and how that translates to leadership skills that help women succeed from the classroom […]