Got poker questions? We’ve got answers.
From game basics — such as poker rules, how to play, when to bet, the best hands, and other strategies — to how you can get involved, we’re answering some of your most commonly asked questions about poker.
Poker Power is on a mission to teach women skills to transform their lives (and the world!) Playing poker is how we do it. Just like Mr. Miyagi in “The Karate Kid,” we teach poker techniques to instill a foundation of thinking strategically, dealing with risk, managing a budget, reading the room, and reacting to challenges — making it second-nature for the women who go through our lessons to use these skills in everyday situations.
Best of all, it’s a fun, interactive environment that gives women a safe place to learn, grow, and improve as they play poker together.
I’ve never played poker. How do you play poker?
Texas Hold ’em is the name of our poker game. Texas Hold ’em is played at a table (virtual or in person) with anywhere from two to 10 players. The goal is to create the highest possible five-card hand ranking from a combination of two private cards dealt face down to each player and five community cards dealt face up in the center of the table. Poker Power lessons are led by female poker experts and teach the game of Texas Hold ’em.
OK, I’m in. What is the best hand I can get in poker?
The best hand you can possibly have in poker is a Royal Flush — Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten — all in the same suit. Suits are the categories the cards of a deck are divided into: clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. But the odds of getting a Royal flush in Hold ’em are 1 in 649,740. Below are some of the hands to look for when you are playing in order of highest rank. Poker Power offers beginner poker lessons that will teach these hands, gameplay moves, and basic strategies.

What are some basic poker terms I need to learn?
Hole cards
The game starts with two cards dealt face down to each player. These are called hole cards or pocket cards because they are hidden (“in the hole”) and are not to be shown to the other players.
The blinds
Blinds are forced bets required by the two players to the left of the dealer to get the game going. The big blind is the minimum bet for the table, and the small blind is usually half that amount. Blinds are required in Texas Hold ’em to ensure all players at the table have a financial stake in the game and to increase the size of the winning pot.
The flop
When all first round bets have been made, the dealer deals three community cards face up in the center of the table. This is called the flop, an apparent reference to the sound the cards make as the dealer turns them over.
The turn
After the second round of betting, the dealer deals a fourth community card onto the table. This is called the turn. Think of this term as similar to horses “coming around the final turn” in a race.
The river
After the third round of betting, a fifth and final community card is dealt. This is called the river. There are many theories as to why this card is called “the river.” The most popular one is that poker was frequently played on riverboats in the past, and players found cheating by dealing themselves an extra card were thrown overboard.
The showdown
After the river card is played, the final round of betting commences. This is known as the showdown. After the last bets have been placed, all remaining players turn over their hole cards to reveal their hand. The highest ranking hand wins the pot.
What are the different types of bets in poker?
Betting is how you make decisions in poker. The more you play, the more you learn, and the more comfortable and strategic you will be in placing your bet — exactly what we teach in our Poker Power basic lessons. For now, here is what you should know:
The initial contribution to the pot.
Match the current bet.
Increase the size of the bet. You can also re-raise and make a second raise in the same round of betting.
Discard your hand and sit the current round out.
Bet nothing in the current round and pass to the next person.
How do I know how much to bet before the flop in poker?
This is a skill you develop over time, but the amount of your starting bet before the flop will depend on your hole cards, your position at the table, the actions and behaviors of the other players, and the amount of the pot. If your hole cards are good and there are several players at the table, a large opening bet can work to your advantage, as some players will be scared off and fold.
How important is table position in poker?
Poker table position is important. There are three basic positions in Texas Hold ’em; early position (EP), middle position (MP), and late position (LP).
EP is to the left of the big blind and bets first. MP and LP follow and benefit from learning more about their opponents.
The button (aka dealer button) is the last, and best position. That player sees all the action before placing a bet.
Who can participate in Poker Power lessons? What if I’ve never played poker before?
Our lessons are inclusive and cover all skill levels from beginner to advanced. They are available at no cost and are offered to anyone identifying as female.
How can the rules of poker help me with the rules of life?
Poker is a game of skill and shrewd decision-making. The knowledge and confidence you gain as you learn to play are powerful and will help you in everyday decision-making — both in the office and in your personal life.
Now that you know more about the game and Poker Power, why not invest some time in yourself and learn how to play poker with us? We offer Texas Hold ’em classes that are incredibly fun, informative, and collaborative. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Remember, before you get the power, you have to learn the poker.